Monday, 11 August 2008
Website Face-Lift
Our website that we have been working is now close to completion. Please feel free to visit the site at You will be able to watch the progress chart until we have fully finished the site (content wise)
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
It's Here!
This post was written from the ceremony in London. We won a £750 prize, and we are ready to get campaigning! Thanks Common Purpose!
Monday, 28 April 2008
14th May

14th May is drawing ever closer! For those who don't know or who have forgotten this is the awards and presentations ceremony day, there is the chance to win up to £750 and £250 runners up prize. The day consists of lunch, then a dragons den style awards pitch which will involve two people from our group pitching our idea against others. The day concludes with an awards ceremony where we will hopefully win!
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Frankie Fortune Wins!
There you go, our new mascot is now called Frankie Fortune. Thank you so much for the people out there who voted {22 in total} as this would never have been possible. With only a couple of weeks to the big day, we're sure that Frankie Fortune will give us good luck!
Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Bad news! We have decided to delay the buying of our animation {we don't know its name yet so keep voting} because if we don't get the top three prizes {£750} in the award ceremony, which is on 14th May, we may not be able to afford it. We would like to buy all the three motions of the animation {walking, coming alive and running} for only £75! Hope for the best!
Here is the link for Toons 4 biz (
Here is the link for Toons 4 biz (
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
New Jingle
Saturday, 12 April 2008
New Look Blog has been completed!
What do you think of the blog? We have changed the title bar, however we might wait for Luke to come back from holiday and then he could (if we asked him kindly) design a banner with the mascot peeping over the bottom (using the english one).
Friday, 11 April 2008
New Look Blogger
Toons 4 Biz

We have contacted Stephanie from Toons 4 biz ( and she is willing to create us an animation of the rolled note for video which we will send to Heather later next week. She said that she would discount the price for the animation as we are students, which is very kind of her. Thanks Stephanie!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Wednesday, 9 April 2008

I have just been researching some keyring printers on the internet. I have contacted Plastics Direct ( and have asked them for a quote on how much some keyrings would cost with the campaign logo on.
The Demo of the Proper Website

As you may have read previously in our blog, Tony, from Ice Maiden Design, (, has set up a demo of the proper Get Ca$h Keep Ca$h website ( When we get back to school, every lunchtime we will add or write up some more on the website so that it has a bit more 'flesh'. This has given us some great foundations to work on. Thank you!
Mentor or Work Experience?

When Heather e-mailed us about getting things for the video, one of the questions she asked us was would we like a mentor or work experience. The team decided to go for a mentor. We will get as much paraphernailia of Get Ca$h Keep Ca$h to Heather ASAP! We are also making a short video about the Campaign, which might involve some magic...
Dragon's Den

When we go back to school from our easter break, we start to write some notes and a possible script. We are doing this early so that we don't have time to do it later as we will be revising for summer exams! Won't we? We will cover everything that we have put in our blog and then extras. We have decided that Luke and Henry will do the pitch to the Change it judges
Monday, 7 April 2008
The Motion Monkey

When we had the idea of incorporating the Trading Game, which all of the team experienced on the Your Turn programme in 2007, we needed someone to make the game. After research, we found the Motion Monkey ( they design 'flash' games for websites. I contacted Simon from The Motion Monkey asking for some guidance on the price of the average game for a website. He has emailed us back and has given us a quote, he said that cost would start at £1000 and will go up from there to around £2000. However, he said that they can work around our budget. This has given the team some vital information about the necessity of having a game considering our budget. During the meeting with Tony from Ice Maiden Design ( he mentioned the 'need to have' and the 'nice to have'. I think that we have discovewred that a game which will cost over £1000 is a 'nice to have'. However if our campaign is more successful, we will certainly consider the Motion Monkey in the future.
Names for the New Mascot
Here are some long awaited names for the British Mascot. I know that they are cheesy but have sympathy...
- Simon Sterling
- Peter the Pound
- Charlie Cash
- Norbert the Note
- Donny Dosh
There are some more out there!!!

After deciding to have T-shirts printed with the mascot on and to have some freebies so that people will remember us. We need to find a printer. Well, I have found one! It is called PDS print ( They can do 5000 A5 leaflets with our design on, for just £99! This is a quote from their website, "We use environmentally friendly vegetable based inks rather than oil based; the paper we use is Chlorine free and FSC accredited." . In case you are wondering what FSC accredited stands for, it is the Forest Stewardship Council and they offer the verification of forest management and timber products.
A Big Step Forward for the Proper Website!

Hi again, we have just received an e-mail from Tony, from Ice Maiden Design, (, he has given us the image of our mascot (with the pound sign on instead of the dollar sign). Which we still need names for! He has also given us a link for a demo of the proper website, It is very good and once again, we are very grateful for all the work and time Tony has set aside for us, Thanks again Tony! (Check out the pound sign!!)
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Ideas for the English Mascot Name
We need new ideas for a name for the name of the English Mascot please!!!
The Mascot is Saved
Great News! The Mascot is saved! I have just had a telephone conversation with Tony, from Ice Maiden Design, and he has said that we can change the mascot so that he has a pound sign on him instead of a dollar sign, another step forward for the campaign!
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Fund Raising
Another Contact!

After hours of research on the web, I found a business who are willing to design us a mascot, if we come in the top three in the Change it Awards. The business is called Artwork by Eleanor ( and they take commisions. I have e-mailed Eleanor herself and hopefully we can get a reply and discuss what we want the mascot to look like. Ice Maiden Design designed Artwork by Eleanor so there is a coincidence! Here is some of the Artwork By Eleanor:
Good Mascot?
A Website Meeting

I had another meeting with Tony from Ice Maiden Deisgn and once again, received some very useful and important information about the future Get Ca$h Keep Ca$h website. The team here at Get Ca$h Keep Ca$h are very grateful to Tony for the help and advice he has given us. However, we will organise a meeting with Tony where all the members of Get Ca$h Keep Ca$h are there so that the information us crystal clear in everyone's heads. You can visit Ice Maiden Deisgn at
Thursday, 27 March 2008
A Reply from Barclays!

Good news! The lady Alex Brebbier (from Barclays) referred the team to, Stella, has contacted us! We are currently replying to her questions that she asked us in the e-mail. We hope that we can develope a strong relationship with Barclays and a sponsorship to last! Stella's e-mail was very helpful and informative and hopefully our reply will also be helpful to her!
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
25th March Meeting
We have just finished our meeting and we have discussed the points that Tony told me about. We have come up with a name for our future mascot, DENNIS DOLLAR. We have also decided who is going to do the Dragon's Den, drumroll please........
Monday, 24 March 2008
The Name of the Mascot
Anyone got any ideas for a name for when we get our mascot? Please feel free to comment or e-mail us with any suggestions? I have come up with some bad ones:
- Dime
- Sterling
- Tenner
- Dollar
- Pete
- Kash
I know you can come up with some more!!!
The Website
I have just spoken to Tony, from Ice Maiden Designs, and he has got us the name 'Get Cash Keep Cash' for the internet so that no one else can take the name. Another step forward for the 'Get Cash Keep Cash' team.
Sunday, 23 March 2008
The Get Ca$h Keep Ca$h Mascot
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Back from the Meeting

I have just come back from the meeting with Tony, and have learnt a lot! He explained to me what the key parts of a website are. Tony has also recommended some websites for logos and photos. We also talked about how the Get Ca$h Keep Ca$h team can advertise their campaign. He came up with the idea of us going to different schools around the north east, but there are too many schools! So we decided that we can go to the LEA (Local Education Authority) and our campaign would be shown to thousands of children in the north-east via a newsletter or flyer. I will discuss the key points of the website with the other members of the team at our meeting on Tuesday.
Friday, 21 March 2008
Website Designers

Thursday, 20 March 2008
Proper Website

Tomorrow (21/03/08) we have arranged a meeting with a local web designer to try and sort out a website for our campaign. Having a blogger page is great, but our campaign is to have a website where people can get advice about their money, so is essential to our campaign. We will try and sort our website out soon!
Great News!

Alex, from barclays bank, (see below) has very kindly replied! Here is his email:
Hello, "The Get Cash Keep Cash Team"
Thank you for your email.
I am not the best point of contact for this sort of thing. However, I think I may have found the right person. She is currently on holiday but returns to work on Tuesday so you should hear from her sometime next week.
Good luck with your campaign.
I think you will agree; this is great news! Thanks Alex.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
One step closer!
The Team..
Money troubles of our own!

Grrr. We have researched several website designers, and have contacted them, however it has become clear that for the website we want we are going to have to pay over £1500 pounds. We haven't received confirmation of this yet, but we simply don't have this money! So now our search for sponsors is really underway....
Monday, 17 March 2008
Advertising our Campaign

To get our campaign well known, we thought we could book a spot in a shopping mall, ideally Eldon Square as it is the most popular shopping mall in Newcastle upon Tyne. So, when we get a spot there, we will hand out our ENVIRONMENTALLY friendly leaflets. We will also design a banner (which will also be used when we do our Dragon's Den syle pitch and also when people come looking round at other finalist's campaigns.) We will hand out leaflets to passers by and have a team member at a desk, at the back of our area, with more detailed information. We will also have some freebies - so people will remember us.
Your Turn

As you already know, we were on a programme, known as 'Your Turn',which is part of 'Common Purpose.' 'Your Turn' is just a small part of the many different programmes run by 'Common Purpose.' However Your Turn is especially designed for young people. Our 'Get Cash Keep Cash' campaign all started out as a little game. We decided to make up a campaign which would help our community. The other teams decided to campaign against obvious stuff like Global Warming and Recycling we decided to do something quite unique. The 'Get Cash Keep Cash' campaign was born...
"Get Cash Keep Cash, Keep the Cash That U Got." Boink.
"Get Cash Keep Cash, Keep the Cash That U Got." Boink.
We Are Green!

To advertise our campaign, we will produce eye catching leaflets around the areas in which we live, so that the website will become known amongst younger people. We are currently designing our environmentally friendly leaflets which are able to be recycled and are 100% biodegradable. We are currently investigating sources for where we can obtain these but we are sure we will be successful!

The 'Get Cash Keep Cash' team are hoping to get bank sponsors for our campaign website. We will hopefully receive a sponsorship from a major bank, eg. Barclays or Halifax. We have undertaken some research about the banks and within the next few days we will have hopefully emailed them organising meetings. During the meeting, we will put across key points for the bank telling them how sponsoring our site will benefit their company. We will aim to have a meeting with Barclays because they mainly aim at the student sector. Advertising on our site will let them be known to the younger sector. We will be back with more good news!
Friday, 14 March 2008
The Jingle
Our Training Day...

Today, Friday the 14th of March...
We really kicked off our campaign today. We missed the original training day in London a few weeks ago, so Common Purpose kindly put on another one for us and the campaign 'Rooftop Gorillaz' in Leeds.
We left school at about 9.15, ready for a long day ahead of us. We caught the metro (which is a bit like the tube for all you Londoners!) to Newcastle Central Station, where we got the train to Leeds, took about 90 minutes. We then got the taxi to the 'Cardigan Centre' in Leeds where we spent a day with Heather, Emily, and the Rooftop Gorillaz discussing our campaign, presentation skills and how to deal with the media etc. (We also got several nerve-racking physical demonstrations from the Rooftop Gorillaz as to how to free run, and we did our bit by performing some slightly tamer magic tricks...)
We then got the taxi back to the station, the train to York, another train to Newcastle, and then the metro back to school.. Phew, that was a lot!
Overall it was a very productive day, that really gave us an incentive to get going.
"Get Cash keep Cash, Keep The Cash That You Got!" Boink.
Who We Are....

'Get Cash Keep Cash' is a campaign launched by 4 teens from a school in Newcastle Upon Tyne, which aims to help teenagers in the North East of England gain, store, and keep money.
We will create a highly interactive and fun website to let everyone know about where you can get cash from, where and how you should save it, and most importantly hints and tips on how to spend it. We will also create and distribute leaflets around the area, with information on, and of course how to access the website.
We will hopefully have '' up and running by June 2008, and we are also working on getting a bank as a sponsor for our campaign...
So, we'll keep you posted!
"Get Cash Keep Cash, Keep The Cash That U Got!" Boink.
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