Good news! The lady Alex Brebbier (from Barclays) referred the team to, Stella, has contacted us! We are currently replying to her questions that she asked us in the e-mail. We hope that we can develope a strong relationship with Barclays and a sponsorship to last! Stella's e-mail was very helpful and informative and hopefully our reply will also be helpful to her!
Wow! You guys are certainly born bloggers. I'm so impressed with the progress you've made so far having secured your domain name and gotten information about sponsorship. You're well on your way to making this a success! The Common Purpose and Deutsche Bank teams are cheering you on! Keep up the great work.
Thank you Change it team. We have not secured a sponsorship with anyone yet but there is no harm in asking! We are contacting more people about keyrings and printing so we shall come back with more good news!
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